‘Tis the season to get stuck indoors with coworkers, family, and friends because of travel delays and bad weather. This opens the door to bacteria-based infections such as food poisoning from salmonella or E. coli, strep throat, and other contagious illnesses.1 So let’s brush up on our knowledge of antibiotics, which help fight these types of bugs.


Antibiotics: How much do you really know?

1 / 5

Strep throat is…

2 / 5

To make the most of your antibiotic treatment, you should…

3 / 5

The best way to avoid a bacterial infection is to…

4 / 5

A superbug is a strain of bacteria that…

5 / 5

rue or false: Some antibiotics can treat viruses as well as bacterial infections.

Your score is

The average score is 72%



This season, be sure to download the Teladoc app. You’ll be able to connect with a board-certified physician 24/7 anywhere you are for help diagnosing and treating bacterial illnesses, sinus infections, stomach bugs, viruses such as the flu, and many other non-emergency conditions. If an antibiotic or other treatment is medically necessary, the doctor can send a prescription to a pharmacy near you, whether you’re at home or out of town. (Quick tip: You can select a convenient location with the Pharmacy Finder feature in the app.) Have a safe holiday and Happy New Year!


1Bacteria-based infections: Verywell Health
2Superbugs: Mayo Clinic
3MRSA infection: Medical News Today
4Hand sanitizer: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
5Streptococcal bacteria: U.S. National Library of Medicine

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