The vitamin industry is big business—more than half of all adults in the U.S. take supplements daily, and more than $12 billion is spent in…
Health Talk
Does the word “cryotherapy” make you shiver with thoughts of a bad science fiction movie? Fear not. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines it as the therapeutic use…
When it comes to our health, we want a dedicated professional working with us every step of the way. That’s one reason Teladoc Chief Quality…
For some people, their skin cells grow quickly—too quickly. The cells build up to create scaly red patches that are itchy and painful. Psoriasis is…
Few topics get parents jabbering more than sleep. Every child’s needs and rhythms are different, and overtiredness can wreak havoc on a home. From navigating…
Sometimes our children’s daily schedules are so busy with music lessons, tutoring sessions, and dental appointments that it’s hard to work in one of the…
Backpacks are jammed with school supplies, closets are stocked with new clothes and shoes, and lunch-prep qualifies as a science at your house. Everybody’s ready…
A recent study found that CBD may have some effect in treating medical conditions without serious side effects. Before we start stocking up on cannabidiol…