Healthy comes in all shapes and sizes.

Over the past two decades, there has been a real movement by companies to embrace body positivity. People from diverse backgrounds, in many shapes, sizes and ages are being featured.

Beauty companies are showing people of all colors and skin types, often unretouched. Clothing companies, including those that offer workout gear, show models of all sizes and ages. The use of “real” women is seen more frequently on the runways of high fashion brands. It feels great to see people who look like you in advertisements, in stores and in the media.

Graphic showing satisfaction of men and women with their own bodies.

Practice body positivity

Remind yourself that you are appreciated just the way you are and worthy of love. Start by practicing one or two of the following actions each day and see how much better you feel.

Post positive affirmations on your mirror

Try to see yourself as others do. Affirm your own appearance the way you would for a friend. When you look at yourself in a mirror, tell yourself something positive, like “You’re beautiful,” “I am enough,” or “Your body is strong.”

Adopt an attitude of gratitude

Be thankful for your body’s abilities. Move every day to stay healthy and strong.2 Embrace the satisfying feeling you get when you engage in a workout. Prioritize functionality over appearance.3

Be kind to yourself

Practice self-compassion. Don’t say things to yourself you wouldn’t say to your friends. When you have a negative thought, simply notice it as a thought. Note that it is not a reflection of truth or reality.4, 5

Accept and appreciate

Be careful about comparing yourself to others. Be aware of the media you consume and how it affects you. Set realistic standards. Learn to accept and appreciate your body.5

Make yourself feel good

Surround yourself with things that feel good on your body. Get rid of clothes that don’t fit “just right.” Splurge on a luxurious body cream or a new scent. You’re worth it.4


Download or screenshot the body-positive affirmations below, cut them out and use them as reminders that you are worthy. Put them on your bathroom mirror, your car dashboard, above your desk or in your journal.


Graphic displaying affirmations of self love.

There is no ideal way to look and be healthy. Find your way to feel good, be strong and healthy and thankful for all that you can do.

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Reaching your goals for health, fitness and life are possible when you set floor goals and push goals. Learn how, here.

Published July 24, 2024


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