Box breathing is a useful technique to help reduce stress and find calm when you’re feeling anxious. Feel better in 1 – 2 – Ahhhh… Feel calmer now For more stress-busting strategies, check out these 6 expert tips for reducing stress. Published July 17, 2024
Therapy articles
“Why does this always happen to me?” “Ugh. I should have planned better!” “This isn’t fair!” “Nothing ever goes my way.” It’s easy to get caught up in negative feelings when something doesn’t go our way. We get stuck in a loop of self-blame, feeling…
The are many reasons to want to lose weight: to lower stress levels, sleep better, have more energy and prevent or reduce the risk of disease. But it may come as a surprise that losing weight can affect your mind just as much as your…
Summer is synonymous with vacation and activity, but it can also be a chance to slow down and reflect. Midyear is the perfect time to evaluate how things have been going and recommit to your goals. If you’ve lost focus or stalled on any goals,…
It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through the year! January starts out fresh and our resolutions feel so exciting and attainable. But as the year progresses, our goals and our focus often fall by the wayside. Do you feel like you’ve fallen into a…
Have you heard of the term “burnout”? It’s a state of mental and physical exhaustion due to prolonged stress. Burnout was first talked about in relation to stress in the workplace. The World Health Organization even classified burnout as an “occupational phenomenon.”1 Now, burnout goes beyond…
There’s a lot happening in the world today that can make people feel pretty unsettled. Around 1 in 5 adults are affected by mental health issues each year.1 Yet fewer than half receive treatment.1 There’s still something stopping people from getting mental health help before…
All humans need food, water, rest and shelter to stay healthy. But what if we told you that social connection is just as important? That’s right—social connection is about more than having fun together. It plays a large part in keeping you healthy—emotionally and physically….