Back-to-school time can be exciting but also hectic for families. A new school year brings many changes: new schedules, friends, teachers and daily routines (maybe even new clothes). Parents can help their children adjust to these new changes by providing a safe space that encourages…
Teens articles
“I can’t do it.” “No one likes me.” “I’m not smart enough.” As parents and caregivers, it can be heartbreaking to hear your teen say these types of statements. Between peers, social media and puberty (among many other factors), it’s no surprise that teens may…
Is social media a positive or negative influence on overall mental health? The jury is out. Today, nearly everyone uses social media. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube are the most popular. Increasingly, we use them to entertain or distract ourselves and to stay connected to…
It’s virtually impossible to raise a teenager without talking about emotional, social and hormonal changes. These expanding changes can make teens feel anxious about life. They can also be self-conscious about their looks. They can experience moodiness. Such feelings might create friction, even in the…