It’s a beautiful weekend afternoon, and you hear the din of people gathering in your next-door neighbor’s backyard. Laughter punctuates the chit-chat that ebbs and flows over the fence. Do sounds like these make you want to run over…or run away? Social connections are linked…
Mental Health articles
When COVID hit in 2020, it interrupted our day-to-day social connections as we knew them. We were stressed, isolated and lonely—which made many realize just how much we need those connections to feel good. Social connections help us learn about new ideas, challenge our assumptions…
We are a population of caregivers. We take care of children, spouses, our homes and our pets. Increasingly, people in the middle of their lives (those aged 35-55) are being called to provide care for their aging parents and relatives while still caring for their…
You’re trimming the crusts off your child’s sandwich. Your dog is howling over his empty food bowl. You’re making cupcakes for a work party. You’re worried you won’t get to the community garden in time to water the tomatoes. Uh-oh, you’ve said “yes” to more…
How full is your plate? What’s on your mind? And not just what’s front and center—we’re talking about everything you have to think about to function every day. Now, consider how you feel about those things. All of this makes up your mental load. It’s…
A new school year brings a fresh start for students and families alike. There are new classes and new routines to get used to. And in many cases, there is a need for mental health support. Academic demands and social pressures can increase the levels…
By nature, we are social beings. We all have a desire to know and be known. When we have strong social connections, we make better choices and have better mental and physical health outcomes.1 And, research shows that social isolation can have a negative impact…
All humans need food, water, rest and shelter to stay healthy. But what if we told you that social connection is just as important? That’s right—social connection is about more than having fun together. It plays a large part in keeping you healthy—emotionally and physically….