Summer is synonymous with vacation and activity, but it can also be a chance to slow down and reflect. Midyear is the perfect time to evaluate how things have been going and recommit to your goals. If you’ve lost focus or stalled on any goals, it’s time to explore why. We’re only halfway through the year and there’s still lots of time to course-correct (if you choose to).

We’ve created a practice worksheet with some prompts to guide you through a reflection on the last six months. Go at your own pace, skip over questions or come back to them—it’s your choice. But try to be as honest and vulnerable with yourself as possible.

So, grab an iced coffee or tea and a quiet space—it’s time to reconnect with your purpose and get your momentum back!

1. Review your goals

If you haven’t done it already, write down your goals from the beginning of the year. As you look over the list, ask yourself:

  • Am I still excited by these goals?
  • Have I discovered new goals that might be more important to me?
  • Are my goals achievable?
  • Is it clear what success will look like?
  • Do my goals align, or are they competing with one another?

2. Evaluate your progress

Life isn’t linear, and the same goes for goals. Think about both your personal victories and what may be blocking you. Inconsistencies can be an opportunity to reflect and recommit.1 And recognizing your little wins can boost confidence and foster resilience.2

Reflect on what’s working:

  • What new habits have I created to support my goals?
  • What new things have I tried?
  • Have I already achieved some of my goals?

And what isn’t:

  • What’s getting in the way of my success?
  • Can I control these things, or are they out of my control?
  • Do I believe I can reach my goal?
  • What is my mindset regarding it?

3. Review your “why”

Take some time to think about what truly motivates you. Perhaps it has changed slightly as time has passed. Maybe you’re pregnant, and the upcoming arrival of your little one has become a driving force to tend to your mental health. Maybe you yearn to travel after retirement to honor your parents’ cultural heritage. Whatever it is, identifying your “why” can help solidify the path toward your goals.

  • Are my goals aligned with my vision for my life and my purpose?
  • Do they still resonate with me?
  • Will this goal ultimately help me become the person I’d like to be?
  • What do I really want out of life?

What’s your why?

4. Create a new road map

Remember that it’s OK to refine your goals and change the finish line. Oftentimes, we tend to think about who we are in the moment when we set goals, as opposed to who we will be in the future. Our needs and wants change over time. We learn and grow, and what we want out of life does too.

  • What would I like to accomplish by the end of the year?
  • Are there any big life events coming up that may alter my goals?
  • How might I change as I progress toward my goals?
  • What would I like my life to look like in:
  • 1 year? (e.g., move to a new apartment, cut back on sugar, prioritize sleep)
  • 5 years? (e.g., travel abroad, start a family, learn to play the piano, have money for a down payment on a home)
  • 10+ years? (e.g., start my own business, retire, move closer to my children and grandchildren)

5. Move forward based on what you’ve learned

After reflection, you may find that you need to tweak your goals a bit. You’ve learned a lot from your previous attempts. Try these strategies that may help you going forward:

  • Avoid rigid and inflexible goals. Doing this can set you up for failure by encouraging all-or-nothing thinking. A restrictive goal, such as “I’m not going to eat dessert anymore,” may even increase your desire and cravings for a sweet treat.
  • Break big goals into small goals. Focusing on smaller steps can help you avoid getting overwhelmed by the bigger goal.
  • Create behavior changes that will ladder up to your bigger goal. If you want to lose weight, don’t just focus on numbers (like your weight on the scale). Try adding in behaviors, like walking a few times a week or adding veggies to your dinner. Little lifestyle shifts might seem like nothing, but small actions soon become consistent patterns—also known as healthy habits!

Long-term change requires you to figure out what works for you. We all have different preferences, circumstances and past experiences. What is realistic for you? View your progress so far on your goal as a small experiment. Things don’t always go as planned. Not reaching a goal or needing to change it does not mean failure as long as you learn something about yourself or the process.

Life is a journey, and so is good health. We have the tools and support to help you every step of the way.

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Picture yourself at 90. What would you like your legacy to be?

Published June 20, 2024


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