While all pregnant bodies are different, most people need around 450 calories more during the third trimester than when not pregnant.1 That’s the equivalent of eating an extra snack, such as an 8-ounce glass of skim milk, one-quarter cup each of walnuts and raisins, and…
Nutrition articles
Many foods, from dates to pineapple to the eggplant parmigiana at an Atlanta1 restaurant, have been claimed to help people at the end of their pregnancies go into labor. As you watch your due date approach and maybe even pass, you may be tempted to…
The latest and greatest buzzwords getting attention in the wellness world these days are “inflammation,” “inflammatory lifestyle” and “inflammatory foods.” If you’re confused by yet another health topic popping up in your social media feeds, you’re not alone. But what exactly is inflammation, and how…
Whether you’re packing lunch for yourself or your child, staying healthy at school or the office requires a little bit of extra planning. Here are five easy, packable lunches to help you or your kiddo stay healthy and energized all week long. Monday: Meatless Monday…
Summertime is a season full of warm weather, vacations and outdoor gatherings, like cookouts, barbecues and pool parties. Amidst the exciting and busy season, it’s easier to feel overwhelmed and harder to stick to your health routines. It doesn’t have to be either-or, though. You…
Do you wait for a new year to begin to set health goals? What if we told you that you could make resolutions on January 1 or June 1 with the same success? That’s because resolutions aren’t just for the new year. Summer is the…
Summer is a great opportunity to get friends and family together for cookouts and potlucks. What guest don’t you want at your gathering, though? Bacteria. With outdoor events in full force, food safety principles should be at the top of mind so you can keep…
A home-cooked meal can often be healthier and cheaper than going out to eat or grabbing takeout. But when it’s the heart of summer and temperatures are high, turning the oven on and heating up your house or apartment is less than ideal. A hot…